Most people know about the usual oral and skin-related disorders such as canker sores, cold sores, burning mouth syndrome, or herpes simplex, but are unaware of what Angular Cheilitis is. Angular cheilitis is an inflammatory lesion that occurs at the corners of the mouth. The first step in understanding angular cheilitis is learning what causes this disorder. Angular cheilitis may be caused by a genetic predisposition to hypersensitive teeth. It may also occur due to medication side effects or nutritional deficiencies of vitamin B12, iron, and folic acid, as well as zinc deficiency. An infection of the mouth, a condition known as pyorrhoea, also may cause angular cheilitis. You must use angular cheilitis antifungal cream to heal it .
What is Angular Cheilitis?
Angular cheilitis, also known as angular erythema, is an oral inflammation that occurs in the corners of the mouth. Angular cheilitis typically occurs on the sides of the mouth. Angular cheilitis can be characterized by sores or lesions that are red and painful, with a small area of blanching of surrounding tissue. Patients often complain of pain when chewing or eating, and typically develop lesions around the time of menstruation. Angular cheilitis typically occurs on the side of the mouth, with most patients experiencing an episode during their fourth decade.
Angular cheilitis can be differentiated from other oral inflammatory disorders including oral candidiasis and fungal infections. Angular cheilitis tends to arise on the anterior and lateral aspects of the mouth; candidiasis tends to occur dorsally and fungal infections tend to hyperextend overlying and adjacent tissues. Differential diagnosis of angular cheilitis includes other oral and mucosal inflammation disorders, such as glossitis and mucosal lesions of unknown etiology or malignancy. Angular cheilitis can occur on both sides of the mouth, but is most common on the lateral corner. Angular cheilitis may extend to the lips or other surrounding areas, such as the cheeks. Angular cheilitis commonly occurs in immunocompromised patients following HIV infection and chemotherapy.
Angular cheilitis is a condition characterized by painful blisters or sores which appear at the corners of the mouth. The skin lesions may be red, painful, warm to touch and occasionally swollen in appearance.
How Ketoconazole helps heal Angular Cheililitis
Ever since the emergence of angular cheilitis, many people have turned their attention to ketoconazole as a possible solution. Though this medication is primarily used for other diseases, some people have reported positive results using it for angular cheilitis. In order to understand how ketoconazole can help with angular cheilitis and other types of cancer, it is important first to gain thorough knowledge about this drug’s main ingredient—ketoconazole.
Ketoconazole inhibits an enzyme called cytochrome P450 2C9 (or CYP2C9) in the liver. This enzyme is one of several in the body that break down phenytoin, another drug used to control seizures. The inhibition of this enzyme is what causes certain side effects associated with ketoconazole, such as a ruddy color to the skin and lips (a condition known as “flushing”) and a reduced rate of blood clotting. Ketoconazole antifungal cream for angular cheilitis helps to get rid of the fungal infection.
Because of its impacts on many participants in the process known as drug metabolism, ketoconazole has been used to treat a variety of diseases. However, only two conditions appear quite suitable for treatment with this drug: infectious forms of cheilitis and prostate cancer.
Infectious forms of cheilitis are common in women. Typically, this disease involves the inflammation of the skin around the lips. The characteristic yellow or red coloration of the skin is due to increased blood flow caused by a build-up of certain inflammatory cells (a condition known as angioedema). Ketoconazole has been used to treat women with these conditions, who found it helpful in reducing the swelling and redness associated with infection.
Where there has been an increase in prostate cancer cases over recent years, there seems to be an increasing number of men affected by the disease that would benefit from ketoconazole use.